02 Raffles Scout Group Centennial Campfire
14 January 2023
14 Jan 2023 will be remembered as a special evening for a long while. On that evening, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of our founding back in Feb 1922. However, our Centennial Campfire was held in 2023 so that we could be part of the RI200 celebrations.
The performance component involved our guests, both current Scouts - inviting them to participate in activities that utilise their Scouting skills, knowledge and creativity - as well as alumni, in singing several songs as many years of Covid-19 restrictions have made campfire songs less familiar to many of our attendees. Our guest-of-honour was also invited to light both the indoor campfire and outdoor campfire, where at the latter, he proclaimed, "With a blast from my wand, I declare, may the spirits of all scouts gathered here tonight be united and enjoined to this sacred flame!!! May the scouting fire burn brightly forevermore!!!
We were joined by a total of 500 guests, comprising of scouts from 10 secondary schools, a special education school, and an open troop. Guests also included members of the Singapore Scout HQ, parents, as well as alumni scouts from both 01 and 02.
One highlight of the evening was the rendition of our Troop song, As One, by some of the original composers, who were members of 02. The members are (from left to right) Tan Peng Yew, Rizal Ahyar, John Tang, Lawrence Ko - who composed the song when they were Venture Scouts in 1981.
We closed the event with our Principal, Mr Frederick Yeo presenting tokens of appreciation and prizes to participating scout troops. This campfire was indeed a exhilarating and befitting finale to the commemoration of 02's 100th anniversary.