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"Come Heed the Call"
850 Days to RI Bicentennial
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM, 05 February 2021

On the 850th day to RI's Bicentennial on 5 February 2021, the Raffles Archives & Museum (RAM) virtual tour was launched! Former Headmaster, Mr Eugene Wijeysingha, was the guest-of-honour. Under his leadership and direction, and with the help from dedicated staff, the RAM was officially launched in 1994.

During these unprecedented times, we hope to showcase the documentation and preservation of RI’s history, and to make RAM accessible to both Rafflesians and the public, wherever they may be. The collation of data, information, and video-editing of RAM's virtual tour came to fruition through the hard work of the RAM Club boys.

Check out RAM's virtual tour here: https://www.vthere.at/ram