Project Starfish Tree Planting
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, 07 January 2023
On 7 January 2023, members from Project Starfish, and staff and students from the Year 1-4 Malay and Tamil Languages department came together to plant trees along Braddell Rise as part of the 1823 Trees campaign! Dr Lim Lai Cheng, former Principal of RI and Former Raffles Parents' Association Chairman Mr Chua Wah Ann were present this morning.
Established in May 2017 by Mr Chua Wah Ann, Project Starfish is a befriender programme targeted at needy elderly residents living in solidarity. These elderly residents live alone without the company and care of others. Project Starfish is an initiative to befriend these lonely elderly seniors and provide them an opportunity to get out of their houses and socialise with others and make friends with the people in the community. Project Starfish donated more than 30 trees to the 1823 Trees campaign.
For more info on the 1823 Trees campaign, visit: