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"Come Heed the Call"
RI Bicentennial Lecture
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM, 16 May 2023

In conjunction with RI’s 200th Anniversary (RI200) celebrations this year, the RI Bicentennial Lecture was held on 16 May (Tuesday) from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Albert Hong Hall. Minister for Education Mr Chan Chun Sing delivered the RI Bicentennial Lecture as he shares on how schools and students could play a key role in creating relevance for Singapore, and in securing a more sustainable SG100/RI300. As part of our celebrations, we were pleased to share that over 330 student representatives from 67 secondary schools had participated in this RI Lecture.


  1. Programme Flow


This Lecture would be relevant to us educators as we play a critical role in shaping the future of our students and nation. The programme flow was included as follows:


              Time          Programme Item

2.20pm      All to be seated in School Hall

2.40pm      Arrival of Minister and Welcome by Master of Ceremony

2.45pm      Address by Minister followed by Q&A

4.05pm      Tea session with Minister (Selected students)/Reception for Guests and Staff

4.30pm      End of event